Saturday, October 09, 2021

WHMCS - Logic Boxes Reseller Management

  • Last update: 20 February 2011
  • Version: 0.1
  • Author: Imagina
Download this add-on in the following versions:

LB-Reseller 0.1 - $5 (Download Here)

LB-Reseller 0.1 - $15 (Open Source) - (Download Here)



+ Initial Release
+ Automatically Create the Reseller Account in the Logic Boxes Panel (on order setup or with the server module command CREATE).
+ Hook for automatic funding of the reseller account on Invoice Payment (InvoicePaid Hook).
+ Manual creation of WHMCS invoices for payment by the customer (mantaining only one Accounting, inside WHMCS).
+ Manually adding of funds from the Admin Product Page (Force without invoice).
+ Password retrieval from the Admin Product Page. + Works with deprecated Currencies / Dividing by 1000 the funds. (You have to tick the option in the module parameters)

* -> Security Fix
# -> Bug Fix
$ -> Language fix or change
+ -> Addition
^ -> Change
- -> Removed ! -> Note

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