Saturday, October 09, 2021

CSV Import and Update Script for WHMCS

Import or Update any data in the WHMCS database via CSV

Update:  30/03/2011
Fixed Problem with Blank Page in the First Step of the Wizard.


Quick and Dirty usage of the defunt PHP CSV Importer 2.0.

Features of the module:

  • Import via Api Functions (Add Order, Add Client)
  • You can import safely through the WHMCS API (Domains, Hosting, other products and customers)
  • Import directly to the WHMCS Mysql Tables (Mysql Direct Import) Be careful, Using these feature can break your database. (Always take a backup)
  • CSV Multiple File Selection
  • Easy? Step-by-Step Wizard.

We have been using this module to import customers and domains from Nicline using the API without any problem.


After adding an order you can bulk change the Next Due Date or any other parameter missing in the Api Function using the  Mysql Direct Import and the Update Feature using a primary key like the domain name. Again: Be careful and take a Backup of your WHMCS database.


How to Use:

  • Upload your CSV file to the folder csvfiles inside the module.
  • Modify the file importcsv.php with your values in the line 10:
$whmcsapi = new whmcsapi("","apiuser","apipassword");
  • Follow the steps in the module page in WHMCS to import Customers or Products.
  • Donate something to the author:

Written by Carlos Devia, Posted in Web Development

Comments (15)

  • Ryan Morris
    Ryan Morris
    23 February 2011 at 21:03 |

    Thank you for your excellent work! We are importing accounts all the time for whmcs installations, do you plan to offer a supported version or something simpler-stylized (paid version)?

  • Carlos Devia
    24 February 2011 at 20:05 |

    Hi Ryan,

    We don't have plans to update the module to a pro version but if you need some specific features let me know.

  • Raddo
    25 February 2011 at 12:08 |

    Hi Carlos,

    I had a look at the csv import script and it references "csv/default.php" on line 18, but this wasn't in the zip download, is this missing or is this reference need to be changed by me?

    Nice work btw.


  • Steve
    27 February 2011 at 06:26 |


    Can you explain where this is added within whmcs what is the correct dir does this go in?

    I see that in the file below calls csv/default.php is this create when ran or does this need to be adjusted in some way

    importcsv.php line 18 says include "csv/default.php"

    Thanks in advance

    • Steve
      27 February 2011 at 07:08 |

      I put it in modules/admin but when activated their is nothing the screen expect the name of the script no fields etc..

  • Steve
    27 February 2011 at 07:12 |

    running Version: 4.4.2

  • Tinus van Vuren
    05 March 2011 at 10:28 |

    Hi Carlos

    Maybe I'm doing something wrong but when I copy the module to modules/admin/importcsv and I go to Addon Modules it just gives me a blank screen with no settings to configure for the module. I have added my WHMCS username and password to the importcsv file. Any advice? (you can mail me on my email address)


  • Chris
    22 March 2011 at 17:59 |

    I have installed this module with correct api info and domain but when I click on module i do not get any options just basically a blank page

    • Carlos Devia
      Carlos Devia
      31 March 2011 at 03:08 |

      Please check if the AddOn is activated and the ACL is correct in the URL:

      If it is, let me know to take a look at your Whmcs to correct the problem.

      It seems to be working ok in my enviroment.


  • Carlos Devia
    31 March 2011 at 03:22 |

    I just solved some problems with a blank page in the first Step of the Wizard.

  • JP
    08 April 2011 at 06:45 |

    Hi Carlos,

    I just installed your module and like others here am battling to get it to work - I get basically a blank screen with a hyperlink 'Start Again' - clicking it does nothing. Ive checked my settings and they all seem correct per your instructions. Im really keen to use your import module but need some help here.

    Thank you so much

  • Kush
    02 June 2011 at 18:06 |

    Hi Carlos

    i was using your script but I am having some trouble with the API. I dont know where to locate the API UN and PW. Is it the same as your regular login credentials or is there some sort of default access. This seems to be my only problem because I have the everything where its supposed to be, but when finishing the import I get a authentication failure.


  • daniel
    06 June 2011 at 18:26 |

    does this work with v4.5.1? oh what the hell yo hablo español jaja, y de hecho soy Colombiano xD... sirve en versión v4.5.1? Y qué tabla de la db altera cuando agrega una nueva orden?...


  • Musti
    30 June 2011 at 19:23 |

    For user, if the addon dont shown im admin-panel,
    you uploaded it wrong.
    You must upload this in ascii or auto mode,
    not binary!.

  • Tomasz
    30 November 2011 at 17:32 |

    Anyone tested it on WHMCS v4.5.2 ? I get to the last step, but it looks that no clients are added.

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