Saturday, October 09, 2021

Web Development


New Add-on for WHMCS - Logic Boxes Reseller Management

Compatible with all Logic Boxes Registrars - resellerclub,, stargate

Looking for cut the manual processing we do internally for our Domain Resellers using the logic boxes panels we created this add-on (hook and server module) for WHMCS with the following initial features:

Written by Carlos Devia, Posted in Web Development


CSV Import and Update Script for WHMCS

Import or Update any data in the WHMCS database via CSV

Update:  30/03/2011
Fixed Problem with Blank Page in the First Step of the Wizard.


Quick and Dirty usage of the defunt PHP CSV Importer 2.0.

Features of the module:

  • Import via Api Functions (Add Order, Add Client)
  • You can import safely through the WHMCS API (Domains, Hosting, other products and customers)
  • Import directly to the WHMCS Mysql Tables (Mysql Direct Import) Be careful, Using these feature can break your database. (Always take a backup)
  • CSV Multiple File Selection
  • Easy? Step-by-Step Wizard.

We have been using this module to import customers and domains from Nicline using the API without any problem.


Written by Carlos Devia, Posted in Web Development


Contact Icons for Joomla 1.5 and 1.6

Black - Red - Blue Skins

If you never liked the default icons available for the Front-End of Joomla, here is an alternative for the Contact Component Icons and other standard icons in Joomla.

Just extract the selected pack in the root of your Joomla Installation for Joomla 1.5 or in media\contacts\images and media\system\images in Joomla 1.6

Written by Carlos Devia, Posted in Web Development


New Zoo Element - External Application Related Items

Now you can associate items created in different applications inside Zoo

We have been working hard with the Zoo Component From Yootools ( but one missing feature in the Related Items Element is the ability to select items in other applications.

For example in the Blog application we can't select a related item in the download Application or viceversa.

With this modification to the standard element "Related Items" you can do just that. We integrate this functionality independent of the main related items element so any update to Zoo will not affect the new element.


Extract the folder "apprelateditems" provided in the zip to the folder   administrator\components\com_zoo\elements in your Joomla Folder and associate the Element with any Application and Layout.


Written by Carlos Devia, Posted in Web Development

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